Principal’s Message

Welcome to Roxburgh College!

Thank you for joining our Roxy Family.

As you begin your secondary school education, know that together we will embark on an exciting journey experienced through a State School that values inclusion and diversity.

At Roxburgh College we foster a learning environment where every student can pursue their aspirations, nurturing a passion to for life.

We pride ourselves in the way we cater for all students, offering a diverse and comprehensive range of educational pathways that meet the unique needs and desires of our students.

We cater for all students by offering a broad range of learning programs. This includes A broad range of VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) units, VCE-VM units, including twelve different VET (Vocational Education and Training) units, as well as VPC (Vocational Preparation Certificate) units. We also offer a Flexible Learning Option (FLO) that students can be referred to attend.

We want every student to have the opportunity to gain experience and pursue their preferred academic and vocational pathway.

Students work through structured teaching phases designed to expose them to attitudes, skills and knowledge that will support them to excel in their chosen fields.

At the core of Roxburgh College is unconditional respect for a vibrant and diverse community of more than 1100 students, coming from thirty-nine different nationalities, each contributing to the rich tapestry of our school culture.

Our pillars of Respect, Learn and Achieve, underscore our commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive learning environment.

We accept that success in life must be underpinned by a sound Education experience, which our students receive all with the help of a dedicated staff team that values each student’s individual growth.

Our commitment is to help every student achieve their goals, helping them to create a bright future where their full potential is in reach!

Best wishes for a successful and fulfilling school year.

With respect and appreciation,

Fernando Ianni PSM
Principal | Roxburgh College

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