Roxburgh College employs a variety of different methods to provide ongoing feedback to students and parents/carers to support student progress and learning.
Grade Point Average (GPA): Students, parents/carers and teachers can access the GPA through Compass. Students receive an average for each class, and then a GPA for all subjects, using a 5 point scale in the following areas:
- Attendance
- Shows respect
- Prepared & organised
- Learning is up to date
- Effective use of class time
Students receive four reports throughout the year, including two end of semester reports and two interim reports. The end of semester reports are a comprehensive explanation of each student’s progress and where they are currently. Interim reports provide a snapshot of this information through the GPA.
Parent/teacher interviews: Parents have an opportunity to meet their child/children’s teachers twice a year at the Term 1 and Term 3 Parent/Teacher Interview Day. Parents will receive notifications and emails about these events in advance to ensure they can participate.