Dear parents and caregivers,
It is hard to believe that another school Term is over. It has been an amazingly busy term with a great deal of success to celebrate.
Please note we have our Student Academic Reports will be available to parents to help assess your child’s progress and consider implementing strategies to seek further learning improvements next Term. It was great to see so many students making improvements during this recent Term despite many facing challenges, in relation to literacy and numeracy standards. Staff have worked hard to provide our students support and guidance in this area and many thanks to parents/caregivers who reinforce the need to engage in Learning not only at School but also at home.
This Term we have had a number of sporting events, very well supported by our participating students. There is always fragility when it comes to the weather for these events and although this veered from boiling hot sunshine to torrential rain and back again, the bulk of the activities organised for students, took place. I am incredibly grateful to Ms Nedas and Mr Rompous, together with staff who assisted in coaching teams, for their hard work and flexibility setting up and running each of the events. The atmosphere at our swimming and athletics day was fantastic. And we were proud of teams representing our school in Regional and State competitions.
Both our Middle and Senior School teams accessed opportunities for students, delivering dedicated events in school, as well as a number of valuable excursions connected to learning hosted out of school. This included the career events, which saw senior students visit a higher education campus and engage in lectures that raised their awareness of courses and vocational options.
Many thanks to all the parents who attended meetings at school, including participating in the Parent Teacher events. We continue, at times, to face challenging behaviours that impact our progress. However, we know that it is only through working together that things can improve. We are acting on a number of issues-based System and School expectations and we request parents and caregivers to collaborate with us, so that wrong doings are curbed. I am also keen next Term to meet with any parents who have concerns and offer a Parent Learning Walk to consider any further suggestions, which we may act on in 2025. I would also like to remind families that Course Counselling occurs in Term 3. Please keep an eye out for information about this process in early Term 3.
Further, you may be aware that the high number of vehicles at the beginning of the school day and at the end, is worsening. We have many more vehicles on the roads and at peak times with the high pedestrian traffic safety is a major issue. I would like to thank all our car drivers for their courtesy over the last few months, but can I also take this opportunity to remind all our parents who drive that they need to follow our guidelines on driving and parking while using the carpark or the adjoining service road. I also ask that parents follow road rules on the road outside the school and respect the speed limits and the no parking signs. Remember that both Local Council and Police will issue a fine if parent breach road rules and the school cannot assist in its retracting. Please do not park in the no standing areas in the service road, which allow for a car free zone to help the local and school bus to enter.
I wish all our students an enjoyable break and I encourage our Year 12 students to use some of this time to work on major assignments and to study previous topics covered this year in preparation for any end of year examination.
With Respect and Pride,
Mr. Fernando Ianni PSM